“And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home. He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own?
Luke 16:9-12 NKJV
I have met several people with very great dreams and a desire to do big things in life but many of such people are no where near the kind of dreams they have in their hearts. Some people pray to God wondering why God has not given them those big things they have been asking for and some even go ahead to accuse God for their present condition of stagnancy or delay in life. God is always faithful even if man decides to be unfaithful and so if anything is wrong somewhere, it is very sure that it cannot be the fault of God.
Our scripture today reflects an everlasting principle and explains why God has not entrusted in the hands of some people certain degrees of greatness and perhaps wealth. Some people say things like “Lord, if you bless me with such and such a level of greatness, I will do big things for you and for the poor”. Many usually will say this with a heart of sincerity but none of such words would usually move God because He is not a God who acts based on sentiments but based on principles.
According to our scripture today, we are told that if you are faithful in little, you are also faithful in much. This is one principle that God uses to trust you and I with greater levels of wealth, riches or any other thing we have been asking Him for. Before God would send you much, he would always send you little to see what would be done with it because He knows that whatever you do with little is automatically what you would do with much. For example, if you are asking God to bless you with one million naira, he would not give it to you based on your prayers but will give it to you based on what you did with the ten thousand naira you had earlier been given. This means that he would give you the ten thousand naira first knowing that whatever you do with that is what you would do with the bigger ones you are asking for.
This simply calls for wisdom to be faithful in the little things that God places in our hands. God wants to know how faithful you are with the little things he places in your hands. He would not place in your hands what you cannot handle. If you are asking God to enlarge your business, that prayer would be answered by considering what you are doing with the business now that it is very little. If you cannot handle the accounts of your business now that it is still small, how then do you think God will give you the capacity to handle a bigger one. It’s time we stop praying for big things and simply be faithful with the small ones. God has an automatic system that bestows you with the big things once you are cleared as being faithful with the small ones. I pray you receive the grace to clear yourself as being faithful in Jesus name.
1. I receive the grace to remain faithful while I expect God’s blessings in my life in a bigger way in Jesus name.
2. Thank you Jesus for doing exceedingly, abundantly above all that I could ever ask or think according to the capacity that I have in Jesus name.