Now Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him; so the children of Israel heeded him, and did as the Lord had commanded Moses.
Deuteronomy 34:9 NKJV
Someone once said “you are an average of the five people you move with the most”. This statement is absolutely true and that is why you find most people looking like the groups they belong to. There are many things that make for success and one of the most important factors is the person influencing you or in the case of our scripture this morning, the person laying hands on you.
In our Discovery Word this morning, we are told that Joshua was full of the Spirit of wisdom because he had been influenced my Moses who had laid hands on him. It is obvious that you would be a composition of the people influencing you.
Many are vast with the issue of mentors but in the case of our meditation this morning, we are speaking beyond mentoring. Some people will say that they are being mentored by many great men of this generation whose books they read and who they communicate with from far and while this is very good and appropriate, there is still a dimension of success that can only come from a close proximity with the person influencing you. This is why our scripture this morning stressed that Joshua was filled with wisdom because Moses had LAID HANDS on him. The word laid hands signifies close contact.
For you to excel in this life, you must have that person who consistently influences you, ministers to you and connects with you at a close range. When you have personal challenges or issues to deal with, it’s difficult to approach that person who you claim is your mentor but very far from you. Let God lead you to that person who you can connect with often and directly as this is needed for you to keep moving higher. There is not one person who has become a success who didn’t need the right association for this to happen.
Also some people have been given good mentors and relationships by God but they do not regard it and have destroyed it by familiarity or by insensitivity. Aaron was closer to Moses than Joshua but Joshua was more sensitive and that is why he received the Spirit of wisdom which came through the laying of hands from Moses. May you receive what is required for your next level from the person God has give you as a mentor, father and influence in Jesus name.
Deuteronomy 31:6 NKJV:
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
1. I am connecting to the right person sent to me by God to lay hands on me for a greater level in Jesus name.
2. I do not take for granted the relationship that God has brought my way to lead me to greatness in Jesus name.