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Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him.
Job 13:15 NKJV

It has become a cliche for many to say “I trust God” but the question is “do we really trust Him”. It is easy to say you trust God when everything seems to be going fine and going your way but what happens when it seems things are not going exactly as planned.

In our scripture today, Job was going through the greatest trials of his life and here he says that he is going to trust God regardless of whatever happens to him. I have found out that this is what actually separates the boys from the men. There is a level of blessings that God can only handover to those who are tested and trusted and not those who claim to trust him only when things are fine.

Some people say things like “Lord, if you can answer my prayers, I will serve you forever” and they think that is such a beautiful prayer. Well, it may be good for you to know that such prayers do not move God as there are millions who would say like Job that “either you answer my prayers or not, I will serve you forever”. This is the kind of words that God likes to hear.

It is time you reassess you relationship with God to know if you truly love and trust him or you are just doing it for the sake of good times. If you trust God, you would never feel disappointed with men. The lack of trust in God is the reason why many people always seek short cuts. I pray you begin to trust God from today and throughout your lifetime in Jesus name.


1. Lord, I decide to trust you from today and for the rest of my life. I therefore receive grace to keep trusting you forever in Jesus name

2. I overcome every situation that attempts to make me lose my trust in God in Jesus name.



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