But He said to them, “You give them something to eat.” And they said, “We have no more than five loaves and two fish, unless we go and buy food for all these people.” For there were about five thousand men. Then He said to His disciples, “Make them sit down in groups of fifty.” And they did so, and made them all sit down. Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the multitude. So they all ate and were filled, and twelve baskets of the leftover fragments were taken up by them.
Luke 9:13-17 NKJV
Yesterday, we started by discussing the four major principles that makes your little to multiply. Like I earlier said, anyone can have these miracles repeated in his or her life if we follow thesame principles as Jesus did. Our first principle was the anointing which we said is inherent in every child of God and in your man of God and the second principle was order. Order makes for increase and until you put things in the proper order in your life, there would be chaos, confusion and scarcity.
In our Discovery Word for today, we are looking at the two other principles for causing our little to multiply. In verse 16, the Bible says that Jesus looked up to heaven. This is a very important part of multiplying your little. Many people have made man their source. We look up to men because we think our blessings and increase are in their hands. Jesus did not look up to his disciples or even the person who provided the five loaves and two fish. If you think that being satisfied is in the hands of your boss or parents or even friends, you would miss out from the plenty God intends to give to you. We are to look up to heaven which means look up to God. When we look up to God, he sends his supplies to us. The economy of heaven never runs short or runs dry. There is more than enough in heaven always. When you look up to heaven, it becomes easy to obey the instructions heaven gives you so that you can receive your harvest. Sometimes, you are in need of some resources and heaven will ask you to give out the little and only you have so as to receive more. If you look up to men, you would not obey such instruction but when you know that heaven is your source, you can obey and receive your harvest.
After Jesus looked up to heaven, the Bible says he blessed and broke it. This is the final principle and this works together. The word bless in this scripture is from the Greek word “eulogeo” which literarily means to speak well of and to praise. This is very interesting because this is another part where many people fall short. Jesus here took the little he had and instead of complaining that it would not be enough, he spoke well of it, thanked God for it and praised God for it. This is the right attitude to the little you have. If you can thank God for that little and speak well of it as if that is all you would ever need, God will show up in a very mighty way in your life. Bless what you have and begin to appropriate it rightly.
If you make use of these four principles we have learnt from Jesus, I can assure you that you would always have more than enough. I had learnt this many years ago and it just seems to always work. If it works for me, it can work for you too. I pray you would always have more than enough in Jesus name.
1. I receive the grace to act according to the word of God to cause my little to always multiply in Jesus name.
2. I bless everything that God has given to me and I declare that it keeps increasing in Jesus name.