And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
Matthew 24:12 NKJV
In discussing the end times with his disciples, Jesus explained that one of such signs would be gross lawlessness and indiscipline everywhere. He also explained that this lawlessness would cause the love many had for Him to grow cold. Reading this verse many years ago revealed to me how much of care and seriousness I needed to attach to my relationship with God.
When Jesus said the love of many will grow cold, what was He really talking about? When many of us gave our lives to Christ, it was obvious that we fell in love with Jesus. We were constantly conscious of his presence in all that we did. We were always willing to pray and wait upon him just because we knew we loved him. We constantly spoke to others about Christ because we were in love with Him. We also were always willing to be in the midst of other brethren in order to fellowship with them. One more thing was that we constantly had this joy remembering that we have been saved and we are heaven bound but as time went on, some of us slipped into sins and errors without immediate repentance and this made many of us pull back. This process of pulling back was an indication of our love for God growing cold.
It is important for us to decide not to be part of the end time syndrome. We must ensure that we do all to see our love for God as hot as it should be. We should resist our love growing cold. We should put systems in place that will help our love for God remain intact. Our time for devotion should be followed with discipline. We should force ourselves to fast consistently at certain times and periods. We should ensure that nothing in this world separates us from the fellowship and gathering of brethren. When we do all these things, we are safe guarding ourselves in ensuring that our love for God remains intact.
Make up your mind today that you would not be one of those whose love will grow cold because of end times. I pray you remain hot for Christ until Jesus returns in Jesus name.
1. I am energized to remain in love with God all the days of my life in Jesus name.
2. My love for God will not grow cold and I will not be weary in my love for God from today in Jesus name.
3. I receive the grace to pray, fast, witness and constantly fellowship with brethren from today in Jesus name.