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So Moses stretched out his rod over the land of Egypt, and the Lord brought an east wind on the land all that day and all that night. When it was morning, the east wind brought the locusts. And the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt and rested on all the territory of Egypt. They were very severe; previously there had been no such locusts as they, nor shall there be such after them. For they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened; and they ate every herb of the land and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left. So there remained nothing green on the trees or on the plants of the field throughout all the land of Egypt.
Exodus 10:13‭-‬15 NKJV

There were several plagues recorded in the bible sent by God to the land of Egypt for refusing to allow His children leave the land of Egypt to where He had promised them. There were 10 plagues sent to Egypt and all of them had their significance. One would have wondered why God didn’t just send the final one in the first instance so that Pharaoh could release the people fast but God had a reason for each plague. One of such is the revelation we are receiving from one of the plagues today.

In our scripture today, we are told that God ordered Moses to stretch his rod over the land of Egypt and this caused an East wind over the land which brought locusts to Egypt in a quantity that had never been seen before. As I read this passage, I began to wonder where such quantity of locusts had been in the earth. They obviously had to come from different parts of the earth directed by the east wind as the quantity was so much that it covered the whole land of Egypt till the land was darkened. That must be a very large quantity. The east wind of the Lord can surely direct things from anywhere when required by God. I have come to discover that everything we would ever need in whatever quantity is already available somewhere. The funds, people, resources and anything we would ever require are available but it needs to be gathered together by a force. This is where the east wind of God becomes very important.

If the east wind could direct locusts from all over the earth to the land of Egypt to a level where it covered the whole land, it can surely direct to you the funds required for your business, family and whatever it is required for. It is time to stretch forth our rods and ask the east wind to bring forth the blessings from wherever they are. The first requirement is to know and believe that whatever you require is available in whatever quantity you need them somewhere. I receive all that I need through that east wind of God now in Jesus name.

Stretching your rod means making your moves. It begins with prayers in the right direction. Don’t just pray and say “I need money”. You are to be specific by saying something like “I command the east wind of God to direct to me the currency I need for my business now in Jesus name”. Once this is said, you believe and expect it to happen. God is still performing signs and wonders and he can still do yours. Call on the east wind in your prayers today and expect God’s miracles.


1. I command the east wind to direct in my favor all that I require for the fulfilment of my vision in Jesus name.

2. As I stretch forth my rod in prayers, miracles, signs and wonders are taking place in my life in Jesus name.



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